Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Day of Purple Paint and Fun

When my sister told me about the Ferndale Rainbow Fun Run, I knew I had to be a part of it. Not only does the race celebrate Pride month, but the proceeds go to Affirmations and the Ruth Ellis Center. Both of which are fantastic LGBTQ organizations. So, I rounded up my team of volunteers and signed up to be team Purple. Not only did we have eight paint throwers, but three runners in the race. I was so proud of their hard work and the way they all embraced the cause. We had a blast and I'm already looking forward to next year. This is a case where pictures speak better than words, so here are some the highlights from that day.

 We arrived early and made our way to our station. Here our littlest team members tote the water for the crew.

 We finally found our station. I was so geeked to see my name on the big sign. I made sure to snag it at the end of the day. LOL

Next, we got out all the supplies and geared up for the race. We had a huge container that held the purple powder that we were supposed to fling on passing runners. There was also team green, red, yellow and blue. So, when the runners reached the finish line they would be big rainbows. We were the last station on the race course.

 Just to be safe, my team "tested" the paint before the race started. LOL

Then the fun began. This was halfway through the race and look at the street. Our clothes looked about the same.

 Then our runners finished and joined in to help.

That's my daddy!

 And if you're wondering if that purple came out of our clothes the answer is no. We still didn't regret one second of it, thought. It was one of the best days ever!

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